Friday 8 August 2014

Simmons construction.

The board is chambered foam (offcuts of floor insulation), hence the heavy glass job. Double lapped rails, translucent red tint with full on black dipped nose job. Here's done pictures to bring things up to date.

Simmons lamination.

Shaped and laminated with a heavy glass job in translucent red and dipped in black. 4+6oz bottom, double 6oz top:

Thursday 17 July 2014

Blew the dust off last years Simmons replica - I aim to finish this one in the next few weeks. The keels are done, and I have a few ideas about colour. Here are the keels, reclaimed burr elm. Bookmatched too.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Slumdog again.

A little bit of grubby back lane action tonight. A few little bits of filler drying here and there so should be ready for glassing by friday.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

A few more.

Reckon on about 15 hours work so far over the last five weeks, and I'm not going to say how little I've spent on materials - its mostly scrap amd glue.