Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Slumdog again.

A little bit of grubby back lane action tonight. A few little bits of filler drying here and there so should be ready for glassing by friday.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

A few more.

Reckon on about 15 hours work so far over the last five weeks, and I'm not going to say how little I've spent on materials - its mostly scrap amd glue.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Magic Carpet deck 2.

Cedar is now going on. Just two little mistakes but we'll worry about that later on. The smell it gives off reminds me of the Pencil Factory.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Magic Carpet rails 2.

The rails are done. Western red cedar and pine. Cure over the weekend and can start closing up next week.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Magic Carpet fin block.

Add a few scraps of XPS floor insulation left over from a racing car project and we're nearly good to close up. a few rail strips to add then it can be decked. The block is good for the leash plug also.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Magic Carpet

Something chubby for the summer - 7'6" =  19" wide nose, 15" tail, 3" thick, front concave to back vee single fin.

150mm rib spacing this time in 4mm ply, 4mm ply bottom, teak and pine offcuts with cedar scraps for the top.
Let me know if you want templates - 7'6 and 7'10 are ready to go.